Sunday, June 22, 2008


Subway is offering a buy 1 free 1 voucher.

Be the first 50 people and you will get a voucher.

So be there early to get the voucher. See you there!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Less complicated

If the google map at the sidebar is confusing for young minds like me, here's a less complicated map. Hope to see you there in 7 days! Peace out.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Freebies (Yogur Berry)

Yogur Berry is offering a Buy 1 Free 1 promotion to its yummy, delicious, superlicious, crazy cool yogurt ice cream!!!

You can get the deliciously tempting ice-cream from Sunway Pyramid

Just bring your G.A.P.S. flyer along on that day and we'll tell you what to do to entitle to get this Buy 1 Free 1 Deal!

And watch this space for more freebies!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

through the years

through the years, we have achieved many great things and the concert that is coming soon will be another great memory for us, Grypers and the people that attend.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


seriously, don't take us seriously. LOL

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Welcome to G.A.P.S

Hello and welcome to G.A.P.S! Want to know what is this whole thing G.A.P.S all about? Well... that I am afraid that you'll have to wait till 28th of June :) For now all I can say that it is going to be a splendid time of concert and games and all and definitely gonna be explosive.

Meanwhile, while we are trying to get more things up in the blog, keep 28th of June free and also help spread the word! ;)

More info coming soon. Check back later!